Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Killing Machine

My DS (darling son) throws his toys, throws his sippy cup, throws his food and even trys to throw his sweet sisters. Where he is trying to throw all these things I just don't know but I am going to throw him right out the fucking door !!!!

I mean really , how do you discipline a 20 month old who really honestly just doesn't give a shit. I am at the end of my rope with this positive parenting shit, "sweetheart, we don't throw our toys, we play with them. Like this darling....darling look at mama, sweety look at mama, DICK look at mama, FOR FUCK SAKES WILL YOU LOOK AT MAMA!"

Positive parenting yeah right.... I am about to throw that sippy cup right back at him and I have better aim ! God love him.
I must admit for a 20 month old his aim is actually very good. 80% of the time he throws something at the girls he usually hits his target.

Oh my favorite is when he bitch slaps me. But according to the new age parenting style I am to take that bitch slap and shove it up my ass where it can hang out for a while until the next bitch slap comes. And when my ass is full of bitch slaps I will have a bitchin bowel movement to make room for more bitch slaps.
It amazes me the control our children have over us parents today. Good for you kids !!

But like a good new age positive parenting mother I stick to the ways of today, and I gently explain that it is not ok to hit , that it hurts mama , blah blah blah. I am about to vomit.

I find the things that get me through these moments are the little lies I tell myself, the little self talk I have in my head, the words of encouragement I repeat, "I love motherhood, this is all temporary, he is not Stewy , he loves me, I am a good mother , I love motherhood, I love motherhood, no place like home , no place like home, fuck I am home , fuck Dick is still throwing his toys, fuck I really did have 3 kids, I love motherhood."

That's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. Lmao ...I've been reading your blogs out loud to Lindsay.We love it! It's now our ritual just before dinner to read your blog.
    I keep telling you, Write a book!
