Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The DIck and his Hammer

If I hear that hammer hit the wall once more I am going to squeeze Dick until I cant squeeze any more ! Enough already with the bam bam shit. My fucking head hurts and get off your sisters !!

My apologies to my followers for my sudden disappearance. It has been a rough go but change is in the air and all the assholes are growing well and becoming that much more independent. T.F.G

As much as I enjoy writing I do find it difficult to find the time, so once again I must leave you to attend to an neurotic baby. A characteristic they undoubtedly got from me.

Oh and Dick is great. I haven't mentioned often how sweet he is but between the sister beatings, stealing their toys and then giving them back to steal them again, the temper tantrums, throwing his food, toys and of course banging everything possible on the wall he is pretty damn sweet.
And Boo and Hog, well and growing. They too are pretty special.

Better watch out Dick, one days those bitches are going to KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!